Mission Statement
Irish Artists for Palestine is a coalition of artists announcing an all-island programme of solidarity events in light of the current genocidal attack and siege on Gaza, and the ongoing occupation of Palestine. The program will commence in November 2023 with a series of independent events focused on active solidarity and fundraising.
We invite participation and engagement from across the arts community to do what we do best: reflect the sentiment of our communities and extend a powerful message of solidarity to Palestine. ‘Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine’. Artistic expression creates spaces through which we can connect and deepen our resolve and resilience in the face of systemic violence, oppression, and injustice. We believe that art plays a crucial role in opening hearts and swaying minds. Irish Artists for Palestine will create spaces where support for Palestinian freedom can be expressed through our collective voices and creativity. We appeal to the broader arts community – leading organisations, collectives, visual artists, and writers – to share in this call to action
Our work:
- Fundraising to meet the urgent medical and humanitarian needs in Gaza.
- Supporting arts organisations and artists in Palestine.
- Co-creating a platform for awareness-building around practical steps which can be taken to further the cause of Palestinian freedom.
- Strengthening cultural ties between Ireland and Palestine by amplifying the work and activism of Palestinian artists in Ireland, and by connecting Palestinian arts and cultural organisations with similar groups in Ireland.
We at Irish Artists for Palestine ask artists, musicians/event organisers to focus fundraising efforts on supporting Palestinian organisations on the ground. Those we recommend here have long track-records of committed, often women-led, impactful work. Whether the Palestinian Children Relief Fund, who support the only paediatric oncology/children’s cancer treatment ward in Gaza (a recent target of the occupation forces), Medical Aid Palestine who have worked for decades providing community healthcare in Palestine, or the Palestinian Red Crescent’s ambulance crews, who continue to respond, with courage & care, despite the targeting & killing of Palestinian paramedics, these organisations, and others, know the urgent needs of their communities better than anyone- and need our practical support.
For organisers also wishing to support smaller & more grassroots & community-based arts, culture, circus & sports organisations in Gaza, we recommend that you get in contact with The Palestinian Performing Arts Network Programme (PAN), a union for performing arts organisations in Palestine, who work with various groups in Gaza through their member organisations.